Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Editing Frenzy!

     So... now that my team and I actually have salvageable film... it's time to do something with said film! And by "do something" I mean... edit. Personally, I enjoy editing, maybe because I've just been so used to it after doing it on-and-off for the past 5 years, just not on Adobe Premiere... but! I will prevail, as per usual. The overall editing process was pretty simple compared to what I'm used to; it only consists of putting the film clips into the workspace and cutting them down to your preferred length –– at least that's the very basic. I, in addition, added a dramatic, yellowish tint to the scene.

    Now... there were some technical difficulties with Premiere Pro. My school account would quite literally not let me open Premiere Pro, so I had to improvise and use good old After Effects to get my point across in terms of editing –– at least until my Premiere Pro can finally get fixed. 

    Currently, After Effects is glitching and not letting me take a screenshot of my work, meaning I will have to edit this blog and the next one about editing until I can get it fixed.

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Group Meetings #2

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