Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing #1

    It's another day in AICE Media, and we get assigned another project. It should be fine, and a breeze to get through, right? Well, this project was unlike any other we had gotten so far in the school year. This project would make up part of our midterm, and it was also a group project. My group and I congregated in a corner of the room and waited patiently until we were called up by Mrs. Stoklosa to see what music genre we'd be working on for this music marketing campaign. Then, we got it. R&B.

    First things first, we decided to plan everything out amongst our group members. The first part of this project we were told to do was to research the genre, more specifically, research different production companies and artists that produce music for the genre. Alejandro and I quickly got to work, digging at the internet for hours for good, interesting information on SZA and Steve Lacy, going all the way from their artist websites to niche corners of the internet. However, Joaquin and Simón lagged behind, finalizing their research only a few days before break ended, understandably so. After soaking up this newfound information on the genre, with energy accumulated over the break, we quickly got to work and plan out our project. Alejandro and I would work on the presentation, Joaquin on our storyboard for our music video, and Simón on our brand logo. We had to build a new persona and entire brand from the ground up, so we had to make wise use of our time. In doing so, we delve into different types of aesthetics, looking for the perfect one for the brand we made: Richard Spice.

    Richard Spice is an R&B singer who had only recently found his passion for music during his youth and is just now attempting to get into the scene. He stands up tall and keeps his chin up, his eyes dart from thing to thing and from place to place as his focus shifts to different subjects to really understand the bigger picture around him. In doing this, he's developed a knack for writing music, incentivizing him to chase a career out of it. But, why R&B? Well, Richard was close with his mother before she passed, and when she did, he inherited all of her jazz and R&B records, and when he finally listened to them, it was a life-changing experience. As for our marketing for this Richard Spice, he brings an old vibe to the table, and to match this energy, my team and I decided that to market him to our target demographic that ranges across teens to adults, and we'd press a multitude of vinyl records and market ourselves on streaming platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, taking advantage of their algorithms.

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Group Meetings #2

     So, today we had group meetings in our AICE Media Studies class. What's different about these group meetings is the fact that we al...