Friday, February 14, 2025

Project Idea

     Hello again! Today I will be actually discussing my portfolio project, and what it's all about! Just to refresh your mind, it's a psychological drama, and it's pretty damn freaky (thank you, Joaquin). It all takes place in the protagonist's house, starting off with an establishing shot of his room, which goes on to tell that his room is a reflection of his mind. 

    It's extremely messy, and it looks like a rage room, honestly. There's a door banging in the background, with barking accompanying it. At this point, we see our protagonist wake up, his eyes dart open and he rushes out of bed to put on the same clothes he's worn for a week straight and deals with the situation at the door, which gets pretty messy.

Reference for the "rage room" bit

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Group Meetings #2

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