Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Development

    On the development of our main character, we decided to name them Ollie(?). It's still in the works, but the name isn't significant to the opening. When focusing on Ollie's development we also had to look at the plot, considering they are the main characters and the entire plot revolves around what kind of person they are specifically. 

    When we first pitched this idea, we all took Ollie to be a bum who relapsed back into their drug habits because of their girlfriend breaking up with them, which sounds fine, but when we tried to develop the plot with that character, it was hard. Like. Really hard. So, instead of developing the plot, we developed the character!!! Initially when I first thought of Ollie, Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad came to mind.

Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Ba

    In order to give them good development, they need another motive for relapsing, aside from their girlfriend breaking up with them. Something with a little more...substance. After a while thinking (as many do), we came up with something, and now, THE PLOT THICKENS. We decided to further develop their story by inflating their environment with more telling things about the kind of person they are. We also changed minor aspects of the plot, but the essence remains the same. It's not like we completely scrapped the idea. It's a good one.
    Now, Ollie's story consists of not only their girlfriend breaking up with them but also not going to their meetings for Narcotics Anonymous, and being reprimanded by their friend to go to these meetings, until... later on, we also discover a torn-up note from his girlfriend breaking up with him because he refused to go to these NA meetings.

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Group Meetings #2

     So, today we had group meetings in our AICE Media Studies class. What's different about these group meetings is the fact that we al...