Monday, February 24, 2025

Font Madness

    As the deadline for our portfolio project creeps forward, we're in a pickle. My group and I have yet to start filming due to timing constraints within my group. We've all been busy, weekends and weekdays. Well, now it's time to pick up our slack and get filming, but before anything, we need planning.

    My group and I had a very heated debate (sarcasm) a while ago about what font to use for our film opening, especially considering that fonts make up a good chunk of the film's tone set. I argued that we ought to use a simplistic font, because we're not trying to have our viewers use their eyes for the first 15 seconds of the opening, but rather, their ears since most things will be auditory. Alejandro agreed with me and suggested that we should use a typewriter font, to give a sense of the unknown, because the viewers will be walking into something they don't know about. However, Joaquin was on a whole different page. He suggested we use a graffiti style font, but using a graffiti style font would throw off the tone of the film, giving it a messy, rebellious vibe, when, in reality, our film is supposed to fill the viewer with a sense of dread and hopelessness (this is me exaggerating, but you get the point). 

    Overall, we all agreed to use the typewriter font called "Miriam Fixed" which was what Alejandro had initially suggested.

The different fonts we all had in mind for the title: "MEEK"

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Group Meetings #2

     So, today we had group meetings in our AICE Media Studies class. What's different about these group meetings is the fact that we al...