Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Sound Project

     After learning about sounds and the techniques associated with them in class and at home, I got a solid idea of what a foley stage was, how to spot techniques, etc. After learning all this, we were given a project: illustrate a story using only sound.

    For this project, we were assigned partners, and it was definitely a journey. First, as always, we started brainstorming. The brainstorming process was long, but it was simple, as we didn't have to take into account shots, angles, or compositions. We eventually settled on the idea of the subject(s) driving into a restaurant parking lot of a busy city, walking into the bustling restaurant, being served a sizzling steak, ordering the check, and then leaving.     

    To keep track of all this, we filled out an outline of each sound and which "scene" would be accompanied by them. As this outline was a rough draft, I later cleaned it up, giving me a clear idea of what to do during the editing process. For the editing process, I used Adobe Premiere Pro, as usual. However, I was left in the dark when it came to sharing the creative processes with my partner, as there was a miscommunication when exchanging contact information, and so I remained focused solely on finishing the project, hoping for the very best. Eventually, we met up in class, sorted everything out, and submitted our project link later that night. 

    As for the finished product, I enjoyed the editing process for this. I found myself wanting to add more each time and make everything as pristine as possible. However, I do have my criticisms looking back on it. For example, I wish I had inserted a part where the subject is asking for the check to further illustrate the setting of a restaurant. However, the part where the subject walks into the restaurant and the atmosphere immediately changes from walking in a busy but relatively calm city to a boisterous and even busier restaurant was very well done on my part. Overall, I enjoyed this project very much. :)

Project Link: https://youtu.be/N0mz46UTyY0

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Group Meetings #2

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