Friday, August 30, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

    For this assignment, we were instructed to tell a story in just 15 shots, using the specific shots and angles we learned about.

    I decided to tell a story about Celsius energy drinks, and how they keep getting used and thrown away, as they pile up and realize they're just cans.

    I think I did a good job on this project. I enjoyed setting up the environment where the story would take place and discovering different angles and shots. However, something I'd definitely improve upon would be my organization. I shot different scenes out of order, and it would've been much more efficient to do it otherwise. My favorite shot though, was the shot where I utilized the long shot and low angle together. It really changes the perspective of how the Celsius can appears to the viewer.
    Other than that, I want to improve my storytelling along with the organization. You can understand the story broadly, but I wish I could have gone further in-depth about the underlying meaning of the story conveyed through the shots.

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