Friday, August 30, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

    For this assignment, we were instructed to tell a story in just 15 shots, using the specific shots and angles we learned about.

    I decided to tell a story about Celsius energy drinks, and how they keep getting used and thrown away, as they pile up and realize they're just cans.

    I think I did a good job on this project. I enjoyed setting up the environment where the story would take place and discovering different angles and shots. However, something I'd definitely improve upon would be my organization. I shot different scenes out of order, and it would've been much more efficient to do it otherwise. My favorite shot though, was the shot where I utilized the long shot and low angle together. It really changes the perspective of how the Celsius can appears to the viewer.
    Other than that, I want to improve my storytelling along with the organization. You can understand the story broadly, but I wish I could have gone further in-depth about the underlying meaning of the story conveyed through the shots.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

My name is Nina, and I'm creating this blog to document my work for AICE Media Studies, AS Level. I'm looking forward to posting more blogs about my work! I'm especially passionate about my analyses, and can't wait to share them.

Group Meetings #2

     So, today we had group meetings in our AICE Media Studies class. What's different about these group meetings is the fact that we al...